You've come to the right place to find out more about the different roles of pixies Forest Spirits



Forest spirits


Stories 〰️ Forest spirits 〰️

For stickers

  • pixies stories, Pixie de foret


    Griffon-loup is one of Lutinoland's guardians. His role is to guard the kingdom's gates. He is a Pixie with flying abilities. For this reason, he can watch over the kingdom's air gates as well as its land gates. He makes a great team with our gatekeeper. He loves to talk to people approaching the kingdom gates, so he can find out their intentions. Thanks to his vigilance, the kingdom has always been well guarded.

    He has a mad love of the wind, and takes advantage of every conversational moment to let us know how important it is not to pollute this invisible environment.

  • Gardien des airs

    Every little detail in Lutinoland is watched over by a Pixie. So we need an air observer. Who makes sure the air is clean? Who's in charge of making sure the dust gets to the right side, that the sand travels to the right places? Yes, you guessed it, it's our Pixie air guardian who performs these duties.

    His job is to maintain harmony in the atmosphere, ensuring that winds blow gently, clouds form enchanting patterns, and birds fly safely.

  • Art-toy, Forest Pixie

    Esprit du vent

    As we can imagine, our wind spirit loves to fly. One of its roles is cloud observation. He's responsible for the shapes that pixies observe in the sky. This little Pixie keeps an eye on the direction of wind gusts, a job intimately linked to cloud formation. And thanks to his work with the wind, the birds are able to take advantage of the gusts to fly.

    He is a very good friend of griffon-loup. He often joins in his conversations to emphasize the importance of clean, unpolluted air.

  • Esprit d'hiver

    Our winter spirit is in charge of this beautiful season in Lutinoland. He keeps a close eye on winter and all its details. He keeps a close eye on the snow and its conditions: whether it's sticky, white, heavy, crazy .... All this and more. Snowflake design is his specialty. He's a true artist.

  • Pixie Doorkeeper

    Gardian de Portes

    As his name suggests, this Pixie works by keeping a watchful eye on the gates of Lutinoland. He works as part of a team with pixies from the griffin-wolf family. One of his passions is playing in the water. He's our swimming champion. For the same reason, he watches over all the kingdom's sea entrances.

    Lutinoland has a whole reception team in the kingdom. Always ready to provide the information you need for a great visit.

  • Pixie Superheroes

    Lutin Super Héros

    At the heart of every good kingdom is a superhero. We're well aware that all our pixies are heroes in their own right, but this little Pixie is always ready to help you, to listen to you, to make your day the best it can be.

    But there's other work too. Teaming up with our spring spirit, he puts all his love into making sure the buds are ready and perfect when the beautiful season arrives. This is what we know as La Touche Verte.

  • Esprit cueilleur

    Our Pixie picker goes everywhere in search of ancestral seeds to keep and care for them. Here in Lutinoland we pay a lot of attention to the environment, that's why these seeds are processed in a natural way and without any chemical products. This is the very special work of this Pixie picker.

    Like our other pixies, it is waiting for you to adopt it and give it a name so that the magic continues to operate.

  • Pixie messenger

    Lutin messager

    Pixie in love with leaves. He loves walking in the forest to gather different leaves to make herbal teas, soups, etc. He spends his time in the kitchen to prepare his magic potions.

  • Keeper of the evergreens

    Gardien des conifères

    This little Pixie lives in the conifers. He watches over the health of his friends. Every morning, he tenderly caresses their rough bark, whispering sweet nothings to their shivering leaves. His love for them is so powerful that the trees seem to respond to his affection by growing stronger and more majestic. Our Pixie knows very well that trees give our planet great balance.

    With this little Pixie next to you, you'll always have a conifer too. How can you not fall in love with him?

  • Garde forestier

    Our Forest Pixie is the guardian of the Lutinoland forest. His favorite spot is the shade of the trees. His coat of leaves and silent boots echo his sacred task. Every rustle of foliage is his call. This little Pixie watches over the animals, listening to their secret whispers. When the nights are dark, he spreads a gentle glow to guide wandering pixies . With magic words that only his pixies family knows, he heals wounded plants, pixies or animals. Thanks to our Wooden Pixie , Lutinoland's forest remains an eternal refuge of mystery and life.

  • Pixie chaneque

    Lutin chaneque

    These little pixies are inspired by Azteca mythology. They are beings associated with the underworld, their main activity being to care for the mountains and wild animals. Depending on their beliefs, they can take different forms. Chaneques inhabit forests and deserts, caring for springs, trees and wild animals. They work hard to help all the small wild animals in Lutinoland.

  • Shaman

    Notre petit shaman

    These pixies play a very special role at the heart of Lutinoland. With their sparkling eyes and benevolence, they listen to the pixies' torments, dissolving the dark clouds in their minds. His words are like a magic potion, healing the hearts of the unhappy; he has the incredible power to transform his friends' moods in an instant. Whether it's a gray day or a moment of doubt, shaman knows how to lighten the mood with his unique magic. His infectious laughter and enchanting stories bring a touch of joy and comfort to lutinoland. Without him, our little corner of paradise would be sorely lacking in that spark of optimism that makes hearts glow. He's much more than a Pixie: he's the guardian of good cheer and the joyful soul of Lutinoland!

  • Protectrice de chênes

    Meet our charming oak protector, a shy elf with a deep attachment to these majestic guardians of the forest. With a waving oak leaf for a tail, she blends in perfectly with the branches, taking advantage of her discretion to chat with her leafy friends. Her delicate presence harmonizes with the murmuring of the leaves, creating a gentle melody in the heart of the forest. Although reserved, her love for the oaks is immense and unwavering. She watches over them with tenderness, making sure they thrive and continue to tell their ancestral stories. Like a gentle breath of wind, she reminds everyone of the importance of preserving the magic of the forests and their hidden treasures.

  • Time keeper

    Gardian du temps

    Our Pixie of time is able to see the future and also to stop time. So he is a very useful Pixie at Lutinoland. He is like the weatherman, he is able to tell us if the snow is coming, if the autumn will arrive before or not. He knows when we have to start sowing and harvesting... As you can see, he is very important.

  • Spirit of the Earth, Pixie of the forest

    Esprit de la Terre

    Spirit of the earth lives through the seasons. This Pixie watches over the good health of the earth: its minerals, its earthworms and all the other insects. Thanks to this Pixie, everything is running smoothly.

  • Aluxe 🍁 🍃

    Aluxe, guardian of the rainforests, loves to dance among the lush leaves. His shimmering coat reflects the richness of the jungle. One of his powers is to preserve biodiversity, encouraging lush growth. The songs of exotic birds and the murmur of rivers accompany her work. Aluxe watches over plant treasures, protecting fragile ecosystems. Thanks to him, every branch is a promise of life, and Lutinoland's rainforest remains a calm and peaceful place.

  • Kodama, Pixie of Forest


    Kodama, literally tree spirit. It's a spirit living in a tree. It can take many different forms.

    Our little kodama watches the trees and the melodies they produce in contact with the wind in Lutinoland. He loves trees in all their states: full of flowers in spring and also their wonderful colours in autumn. His best friends are the bees in our forest. Thank you little Kodama, you work so hard so that we can enjoy the beauty of the trees we love so much.

  • Leaf spirit

    Esprit des feuilles🍁 🍃

    Yes, Pixie leaf is in charge of all the color changes of the leaves. Each leaf is a work of art thanks to this little Pixie.

  • Dragon

    Dragons love to fly to Lutinoland to look higher than the mountains and enjoy the sunsets.

    The pixies dragons have a burning love of music and writing. Born among the flames, they merge their passion with their draconic nature. Their fiery songs recount legends of yesteryear, dreams and their love of nature.

    Storytelling melodists, they write songs for their gypsy friends to sing :)

  • Lutin de Forêt


    Pixie wanders through the forests. He's looking for new trees and flowers to bring to Lutinoland. A hidden adventurer, that's what he is. He belongs to the Manouche gang. Always ready to party, play and sing. He's a faithful companion. Together with the Manouches, they create magical, unforgettable atmospheres.

  • Leaf spirit

    Esprit des étoiles

    In Lutinoland, the Pixie star spirit has a crucial task: to keep the night sky bright. Every night, he flies out with his magic broom to inspect each star, making sure they shine brightly. If he spots a fading or wavering star, he repairs it with words of care and magic. Stars are always attentive to his advice on how to shine brighter. He knows more about the secret of constellations. No one in Lutinoland knows how old this venerable Pixie is.

  • Cipit

    The Cipit is a Pixie inspired by the culture of El Salvador. This Pixie will always remain in his child state. He enchants fantastic stories Lutinoland

  • Lutin de Forêt

    Esprit des fleurs

    These pixies go from flower to flower to help them grow. Flowers need a lot of care and love to grow well. Esprit de fleurs is always there to look after their well-being. Esprit de fleurs also works as a team with the other pixies to ensure that Lutinoland's garden is perfect :). These pixies embellish Lutinonand. Lots of colors and aromas are everywhere. Their favorite friends are bees and insects. They're delicate and well-intentioned. Indispensable friends.

  • Alebrije


    Alebrijes are brightly colored Mexican folk art sculptures of fantastic creatures. Our alebrijes protect the sleep and dreams of their friends. They watch over enchanted dreams. With their multicolored leaves, they guide pixies towards imaginary worlds. Every night, they weave magical dreams, preserving the balance between the real and the imaginary. In this shared mission to protect the forest and dreams, Alebrije shines with a fairytale light, inspiring hope and fantasy.

    That's why there are alebrijes in our bestiary. A perfect guardian of his friends' sleep and dreams.

  • Esprit Yokai

    The yokais are magical entities that can transform themselves. These pixies love to hide to play tricks on their friends. However, they protect very well the places where they live. If you are lucky enough to adopt a Yokai your home will be well protected.

  • Rasta Pixie

    Rasta Lutin

    In the pixies manuche gang, this little Pixie loves music. He walks around with guitar in hand, playing music whenever and wherever he can.

  • Protector of the mountains

    Protecteur des montagnes

    In the cultures of South America such as Argentina and Chile, we can find in Yastai. Pixie protector of the animals of the mountains. He has a preference for llamas. He is a protector of the Nature, and his main characteristic is to run faster than the other animals. And moreover, he can transform himself in wind to disappear.

    Yastai in Lutinoland also protects the animals of the forest and loves to travel with the wind. He is super charismatic and loyal to his friends.

  • Triton

    Coming soon

  • Jurry


    Pixiea protector of children. He's always with the little ones at Lutinoland, accompanying them and playing with them.

  • Wildlife


    Our Faun wanders through the forest to keep an eye on all the insects. He helps them in times of trouble: heavy rains, drought... So he's the best friend of ladybugs and dragonflies. He keeps secrets deep in his heart.

  • Esprit de la Nuit

    Spirit of the night, simply magical. Pixie who watches over the dreams of the inhabitants of Lutinoland.

    Coming soon.

  • Hardwood protector

    Protecteur des feuillues

    Quiet and smiling, he carefully observes the cycles of the seasons. In autumn, he gently accompanies the falling leaves, knowing that they will nourish the earth. In spring, he helps the trees adorn themselves anew, like a magician orchestrating a natural show. Able to fly, he hovers over the canopy, making sure everything is in harmony. This Pixie reminds us that every transformation in nature has a reason, and that protecting these cycles is essential to the balance of Lutinoland and the imaginary world.

  • Pixie Tengu

    Tengu, inspiration japonaise

    Little Pixie inspired by Japanese mythology. In the majestic mountains of Lutinoland, the Pixie Tengu stands guard as protector of the peaks. A master of the martial arts, he draws his agility and strength from the movements of the wind and the harmony of nature. Fair and discreet, he observes those who cross his territory. Attracting his good favor guarantees protection for your family and home, but those who threaten the mountains face his wrath. Tengu protects creatures and preserves the sacred balance of these places. Proud and loyal, he embodies discipline and love for Lutinoland's natural treasures.

  • Esprit de la Forêt

    Kodama, literally tree spirit. It's a spirit living in a tree. It can take many different forms.

    Our little Forest Spirit watches over the magic of the trees in Lutinoland. He loves to walk around and his best friends are the mushrooms in our forest. Thank you little spirit for keeping our magical forest in balance.

  • Yaksha, protector of the ponds

    Yaksha, protecteur des étangs

    The Yaksha are pixiesinspired by Hindu mythology. Their job is to protect and watch over the treasures of the earth, the ponds and the trees. Legend has it that lonely trees live together with the Yaksha, who protects the tree and prevents it from disappearing.

    The PixieYaksha has the task of monitoring the health of our trees in Lutinoland. He talks to them every day. He sings and tells them stories. If you like to be told stories, you have just found your Pixie.

  • Wildlife


    Unicorn's task is to make life in Lutinoland more pleasant. Yes! Unicorn is in charge of the appearance of the rainbow. Unicorn loves to paint and embellish the daily life of her friends.

  • Champi

    Mushrooms play a very important role in Lutinoland, as they are responsible for communication between the trees. Champi has the power to set off great conversations and facilitate communication.

  • Yaksha, protector of the ponds


    This Pixie loves his work. He is a humble Pixie who silently watches over his home. He cares for every nook and cranny, and feeds his pets with tenderness. This discreet, hide-and-seek guardian doesn't seek glory. His great power lies in keeping a watchful eye while his loved ones sleep peacefully. Thanks to his small actions, Lutinoland and the house where he lives are a safe haven, where love and protection are woven into every wooden strand of his warm abode.

  • Pixie Pixie of drill

    Lutin Sage

    Pixie sage is a member of a family of sages, living in the enchanted glade. Heir to generations of wisdom, he shares his golden advice. Ever attentive, he kindly enlightens his friends, weaving threads of gold into every corner of the kingdom. In the shade of ancestral trees, this family of sages remains an inexhaustible source of light and tranquility, watching over the clearing and lighting the way for all pixies of Lutinoland.

  • Manouche, Pixie de forêt


    Manouche livens up the land of pixies with his joyful music. Wandering between pixies, he sings ballads written by his dragon friends, sharing the history of the kingdom in enchanting notes. He also composes his own songs, sowing happiness among the pixies who dance to the rhythm of his melody, making every corner of Lutinoland an enchanted symphony.

  • Gardian des minéraux

    Here's one of our forest spirits. 🌲.

    He is a member of the tree spirit series. He loves wandering through the forest of Lutinoland. Adventurous and wise, he knows all about the power of stones. That's why he keeps his ocean jasper stone close to his heart. He knows that this stone is reputed to enhance memory and concentration.🧜💚🌲

  • Pixie magician

    Lutin magicien

    He watches over the protection of the magic forest. Calm and thoughtful, he masters the art of enchantment to keep Lutinoland safe from prying eyes. Using ancient formulas passed down through his family, he keeps the kingdom invisible to the uninitiated. But for the pure of heart and those open to the imaginary, he unlocks the entrance, revealing Lutinoland's enchanted splendor. This Pixie plays an essential role: he protects not only the forest, but magic itself. Without it, the pixies world would be vulnerable, losing its mystery and eternal beauty.