Let me introduce myself: my name is Fabiola, or Faby to my friends. The idea of making plush, sculptures, or better said, pixies, little magical imaginary beings, came a little for the art of magic :).

Throughout my life, wools have been very present. When I was little, everyone around me knitted or crocheted. Yes, my grandmothers, my mother (though a little less so) and also my father, who even paid for part of his studies by knitting. My grandmother and great-aunt had knitting machines and, of course, their needles and hooks. So they were able to knit a bit of everything. For me, as a child, it was pure magic.

A little later

By the time I got to university, I was lucky enough to share my time with my lovely grandmothers again. I'll always remember the afternoons when I'd come home from university. I'd settle down to knit with my great and beautiful companions: mi Abuela and my great-aunt.

How these beautiful moments will always be with me!

The love and respect for our beautiful nature has always been there. I've always been involved in all school projects related to the environment. As for my university research, it was linked to the founding myths of our culture (always intrinsic to respect for Mother Earth). I've always lived in harmony with nature, with zero waste (even before the term existed). In short, love of Nature runs through my veins.

Love and respect for our beautiful nature

The marriage between a yarn story and my love of nature was accentuated when two magical little creatures came into my life. With their arrival, the desire to crochet was born again. I had I wanted my little ones to play with toys that were full of love, safe for them and respectful of their planet. This is how the magical pixies who inhabit our fantastic bestiary came into being.

Thus in 2017 Pixie de Forêt was born.

Our biggest dreams :

- Children can play with plush pixies healthy products.

- That our plush are ecologically responsible .

- That we can plant trees in Quebec City together.

- Creating healthy, responsible, sustainable companions with minimal environmental impact.

These imaginary beings have always been part of my daily life. They've enchanted my life even before I shared it with my children. pixies have always been there. For me, they signify the importance of the imaginary world.



a reflection of my love and respect for our Nature, our Pacha-mama.


Each Pixie is materialized by mixing imagination, magic respect to the environmentcotton and crochet.

And thanks to this magic, these pixies perform their most important task: sharing their love of nature and imagination. They become faithful companions, protectors of dreams, companions of magical moments.

Forest Pixie , eco-responsible plush

Today, Faby (craftswoman from Pixie) is a member of the Conseil de Métiers d'art. A symbol and recognition of quality.