The enchanting world of Lutinoland is home to Pixie Owl, renowned for his wisdom and powers of observation. His large, piercing eyes scan the forest's smallest details, enabling him to detect subtle changes in the environment. Pixie Hibou is often consulted for his sound advice, as he possesses a profound knowledge of nature and the mysteries of Lutinoland. He shares his teachings at pixies meetings and on educational excursions into the forest. His quiet presence and knowledge make him a respected Pixie , helping to preserve the harmony of the Lutin community.
With the adoption of your Pixie you help us to plant trees.
The enchanting world of Lutinoland is home to Pixie Owl, renowned for his wisdom and powers of observation. His large, piercing eyes scan the forest's smallest details, enabling him to detect subtle changes in the environment. Pixie Hibou is often consulted for his sound advice, as he possesses a profound knowledge of nature and the mysteries of Lutinoland. He shares his teachings at pixies meetings and on educational excursions into the forest. His quiet presence and knowledge make him a respected Pixie , helping to preserve the harmony of the Lutin community.
With the adoption of your Pixie you help us to plant trees.
The enchanting world of Lutinoland is home to Pixie Owl, renowned for his wisdom and powers of observation. His large, piercing eyes scan the forest's smallest details, enabling him to detect subtle changes in the environment. Pixie Hibou is often consulted for his sound advice, as he possesses a profound knowledge of nature and the mysteries of Lutinoland. He shares his teachings at pixies meetings and on educational excursions into the forest. His quiet presence and knowledge make him a respected Pixie , helping to preserve the harmony of the Lutin community.
With the adoption of your Pixie you help us to plant trees.
~ 15 cm (6po), grandeur parfaite pour se promener, voyager et accompagner ses amis partout.
~ Our pixies are made from quality cotton. They are machine washable.
~ Our pixies don't like to go in the dryer.
~ You can put some essential oil on the belly of Pixie. It can then be easily washed off to change the aroma.
~ This little Pixie is soft and cute to play with, accompany, cuddle, comfort and sleep with all his friends.
~ Our pixies can be taken anywhere. You can keep them in your pocket, take them camping, your Pixie can go everywhere with you. They love to be washed.
~ Our pixies are excellent companions at work. With the addition of essential oils, they release a gentle aroma to relax you during office hours.
~ An excellent, long-lasting gift that can last for more than a generation.
~ pixies, soft sculptures for every child's heart
~ Your Pixie √
~ His blanket √
~ His Pine cone birth √
~ All in a box made from recycled and compostable products.
- And the satisfaction of planting a tree with us :)
Go here
Everything we do stems from doing better for our planet. That's why, since 2020, we've started planting trees with the organization Compensation CO2 Quebec.
To find out more about our commitment
Handmade in crochet no. 2,75. An ancestral technique, the crochet has the quality to knit tightly to ensure an unequalled durability.
Responsible cotton (without pesticides). No chemicals used in the application of the colour.
Its interior is hypoallergenic and made from recycled polyester. Because it is more washable.
These eyes are embroidered.
Pixie hypoallergenic, natural and healthy.
Cotton sculpture signed Métiers d'art.
Neutral carbon doggie.